Who is GREENOVA for? | CleanGreens Solutions
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Our Case Studies

Our system is already installed and working in several countries with different climates.
Do you want to know WHY these growers, processors and investors

chose us and see HOW it looks their AEROponic Greenhouses? 

Les Crudettes greenhousee Aeroponics
Greenlife CleanGreens kuwait aeroponics farming
Aeroponics Greenhouse Farming Herbs Lettuce
Domaine les Mattines Aeroponics Greenhouse indoor farming
Les crudettes France Logo Aeroponics Modern farming

From processor to producer

Les Crudettes is a leading French

‘Ready-to-Eat’ lettuce and aromatic herbs processor that works with the main retailers in the France, providing them with a large variety of aromatic herbs such as basil, chives, coriander, dill and more. Les Crudettes built up two greenhouses, one for R&D purposes and one for large scale herbs production.

Les Crudettes AEROponics Herbs.png

Streamlining the supply chain

Part of the herbs and lettuces bagged by them was imported from Spain, seeing the increasing water stress on local producers and the threat it poses for their supply chain.

Freshness, quality and flavor are also compromised during the long import process. To solve these issues they decided to integrate vertically and start to produce their own aromatic herbs right next to their processing plant.


Thanks to the installation of an AEROponic Greenhouse of 6000m2 in France, close to Orléans, they are producing all of their bagged aromatic herbs locally in a controlled environment, protecting them from erratic weather patterns that could disrupt their supply chain. By having a flexible system that can produce a wide range of products, Les Crudettes is answering to the French consumers demands to have access to locally grown, zero pesticide aromatic herbs all year long.

Fresh herbs non-stop

"By growing with CleanGreens, our entire
production is 100% local, all year long"

Says LSDH Group, their partner, about CleanGreens

Les Crudettes
Greenlife Adel Al Shamali Kuwait Desert Aeroponics

Adel Al Shamali is an influential entrepreneur known throughout the Gulf region, also president and co-founder
of The Green Life Company.
He was looking for a profitable business aligned with the Kuwait National Adaptation Plan 2030 which underligned food independence as a great challenge.

A green investor

Adel al shamali.png

One of the main objectives for The Green Life Company was

to significantly minimize water use in agricultural production in the region: AEROponics turned out to be the ideal investment since it saves 96% of water compared to the open field, which not only reduces the bill but with so little water in the system it also allows them to cool down the nutrient solution before it’s sprayed on the roots, making it possible to grow consistently in such a hot environment like the desert.

With the installation of an AEROponic Greenhouse of 6000m2 in Kuwait, he collaborated on the country’s vision to enhace food security by supplying fresh high-quality crops thanks to the control and balance in the root zone that our system brings. This installation will produce 70 tonnes of aromatic herbs and 210 tonnes of salad a year, thereby avoiding 17 cargo flights and the CO2 they would emit. Profitable and ecological! 

Investing for Kuwait's food safety 

Beating hot climate and 70% of imports

"By producing with GREENOVA, the system that
CleanGreens developed, we obtain healthy, high-quality products with minimal water and labor"

Says Adel about CleanGreens

Greenlife CleanGreens kuwait aeroponics farming_edited.jpg
MidiFlore France Logo Aeroponics

Sylvie Recouvrot is a French grower that produces aromatic herbs, formerly with open field cultivation. Entrepreneur, she is CEO of Midiflore, which also produces edible flowers. They seek to offer the best possible conditions to their employees and to obtain as a result, profitability and a quality, local and healthy product, produced sustainably.

A former Open Field grower

Sylvie Recouvrot-Midiflore_edited.jpg
"Thanks to CleanGreens we have a  High-tech Greenhouse cultivation 24/7 instead of relying
on imports some months of the year"


Cultivation in open fields did not ensure MidiFlore to meet the expectations of their clients all year long. Erratic climate events affected both their own open field production but also their supply chain. Switching to an AEROponic greenhouse allows

a better consistency in production but also to get rid of pesticide and offers better working conditions for the employees who work standing in a friendlier environment. 

Thanks to the installation of an AEROponic Greenhouse

of 3000m2 in France, they ensure a year-round production

of high quality fresh herbs. Local production is cheaper for her than the cost of imports, and enjoys offering healthy, pesticide-free products to its customers. This change also had an impact on the staff, as they now work in better conditions compared

to the open field. Less stress for employees and a controlled environment with user-friendly technology.  

Local production cheaper than imports

Why she chose AEROponics

Says Sylvie about CleanGreens


A former HYDROponics grower

Domaine des Mattines Logo Aeroponics

Jérémy Blondin is a 6th generation grower at Domaine des Mattines.

He’s always one step ahead of new cultivation technologies.

He is dedicated to producing vegetables in a sustainable way and also encouraging Swiss local production.

"With CleanGreens we have quality, consistency and
productivity beyond our expectations"

Says Jérémy about CleanGreens

Initially, they had chosen HYDROponics as their cultivation technology. The investment looked interesting and so did the payback, but then, reality hit them: the quality of produce, especially lettuce, varied significantly depending on the time of year. Also, when a plant was infected, many crops were lost due to the phytosanitary risks of having the roots connected. So, they decided to give the twist.

Thanks to the installation of an AEROponics Greenhouse of 500m2 in Geneva, Switzerland, he increased his yields and lowered his expenses by using less water and nutrients. It also allowed Jérémy to cultivate a larger variety of crops and expand into aromatic herbs.

From HYDROponics to AEROponics

High quality production 24/7/365


Project phase

Do you want to know what the installation of our GREENOVA system looks like ?

Let the journey begin! 

Grow with aeroponics
Invest in aeroponics farming

Are you considering upgrading or building

your Greenhouse with an

AEROponics growing system?


Our Sales Team is available to assist you

in assessing the best-suited layout,

feasibility, and expected profitability

of your project.

Profitability in aeroponics

We will organize a visit to an operating Greenhouse equipped with our

GREENOVA System to provide you with

first-hand experience from AEROponic growers that also use our GURU App.




Technology in aeroponics robot
Ecology and modern farming

Together, we can determine

the optimum layout for your project

and agree on options

and specific features.

Our Engineering team will provide

a fully detailed design of your project, incorporating all supplier specifications

for your Greenhouse, lighting,

and climate control needs.

They will work to ensure a

flawless integration of all elements.

Swiss made technology agriculture
Aeroponics Team CleanGreens Greenhouse Construction
Agronomy Modern Farming

Once complete,

your GREENOVA system

will be pre-assembled

in our workshop in Switzerland

by our skilled team

of experts, using high-quality

parts made at local partners.

Our installation experts will

then supervise the final assembly

at your site, ensuring

a seamless installation.

To provide ongoing support for your operations, our agronomy experts will

train your staff

on how

to get the best out of the

GREENOVA System and GURU App,

ensuring your success.

Growing lettuce modern farming indoor
Software Crop Planning Greenhouse high tech
Agroadvisor knowledge Agronomist

Now you will be ready to produce

high-quality greens with

the most sustainable production system!

Once your operations begin,

our cultivation experts will

keep in touch regularly, ensuring

your yields are high

and your greens are delicious.

Our helpdesk is available

for any questions, advice,

spare parts orders, or improvement

suggestions you may have.

Your success is our success!
Success with CleanGreens Solutions

Contact us

Chemin de Greybin 2, 1415

Molondin, Vaud, Switzerland

Swiss Design Aeroponics CleanGreens

©2023 by CleanGreens Solutions. Read our privacy policy here

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