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Welcome to our AEROponics Blog
Latest news about modern farming, AEROponics, the life at CleanGreens Solutions, our customers' insights and some articles that we found useful.

Revolutionizing agriculture with AEROponics: BIG Interview with Bruno Cheval
How does AEROponics works? Advantages of AEROponics compared to HYDROponics or Open Field farming? How will modern farming contribute to...

Transport costs increase in food transportation
The Cost of transportation is increasing worldwide and it has a sharp impact on the price in the stores. It is more visible than ever:...

Hydroponics VS. Aeroponics
What's the difference between Hydroponics and Aeroponics? Are Hydroponics and Aeroponics the same? What do they have in common? Why...

Mobile aeroponics, a state-of-the-art technology for a greener world
CleanGreens Solutions is expanding its soil-less crops to the Middle East. - An article by Alain Detraz, published on November 8, 2021....

Innovations to make agriculture more sustainable
An episode of Eureka on Canal Alpha by Yoann Paulin - “Almost 25% of greenhouse gas emissions come from agriculture. To try to reduce...

At the Agropôle in Molondin, even the salads are happy
In Molondin, the salads have a tender heart and crunchy leaves. To admire them, you have to put on a white coat and disinfect your hands....

Aeroponey ? No, aeroponics !
CleanGreens Solutions had the pleasure of welcoming Jonas Schneiter and Marie Tschumi for their radio show "On va vers le beau" aired on...

"Let me show you something you've never seen before"...
It is with these words that our customer Jérémy Blondin starts the tour of La Saladerie, his new lettuce greenhouse equipped with our...

Cutting by at least 10 times the water consumption
"Aujourd’hui, il faut 100 litres d’eau pour produire un kilo de salades en sachet. Avec cette technologie [de CleanGreens] , on sera en...

Salad that grows without soil
©Polyscope - in German Salat, der ohne Erde wächst Das Start-up-Unternehmen Combagroup ist spezialisiert auf den Hors-sol-Anbau von...

COVID-19 is challenging our food
The COVID-19 pandemic is challenging our food routines and raising our awareness about the necessity of food safety. Aeroponics is at the...
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